I don't know about you, but I LOVE the New Year. I always make a bunch of goals for myself. I don't like to call them resolutions, because resolutions are code word for "will break in a week." The goals I make for myself are lifestyle changes and things that will improve my life. One of my biggest goals this year is to have a more structured schedule. I figure the only way to truly make small changes in my life is to implant them in a "Master" daily schedule. I've heard it said that it takes 21 days of doing something to create a habit. Well, I'm trying out my schedule for 21 days and hopefully whatever makes it that long, will stick! Some new additions to my daily schedule are: more frequent workouts, counting calories, drinking lots of water, grading more consistently, devotional times, cooking more, punctuality, set bed times, cleaning times, and times to actually do my laundry. All good things, just hard to plug in to my busy schedule.
Two weeks into the new year, and I'd say I'm still doing pretty good. It's been interesting to see what has stuck so far...and what hasn't. Making my bed every morning sounded like a great idea, but I've only succeeded once, so I'll let that one go. No biggy! I'm approaching this whole schedule with grace towards myself. I am not a slave to it, by any means. Another one that's been a challenge is the bed time. I love sleep, I just have a hard time actually getting into the bed.
Some great things that have actually worked so far: devotional times, counting calories, working out, drinking water, grading more, planning a menu, and cleaning each weekend. I know I'm only two weeks in, but I'm excited for these more structured changes in my life. When I live with a schedule, I feel more freedom. Almost ironic, isn't it?
Girl, welcome to my world!!! :) Love you, and love your approach to your goals.